Veterinary Ophthalmology

In recent years, veterinary ophthalmology has experienced an exponential evolution to become an independent specialization and thus be able to offer the best service for your pet.
One of the key points in ophthalmology is the early detection of any type of alteration, in order to establish a diagnosis and adequate treatment as soon as possible and thus obtain a rapid recovery.
Our practice shows us that pets begin to show signs of blindness when they have lost 80% of their visual capacity. Due to this experience and to avoid being late for adequate treatment, we suggest that if you have the slightest doubt, you perform a complete eye checkup.
Many of the diseases that affect the eyes can lead to irreversible blindness or even the loss of the eye itself.
The most frequent pathologies in veterinary medicine are:
It is an inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva that produces redness of one or both eyes and in some cases edema, generally presenting a secretion that can vary from serous to purulent.
Eyelid disorders
Entropion:It mainly affects the lower eyelids, they bend inward causing constant irritation, pain, infection and even corneal ulcer. There are predisposed breeds (Rottweiler, Saint Bernard, Cocker Spaniel, Shar - Pei, Chow Chow, Great Dane).
Ectropion: In these cases the eyelids are everted, exposing a relatively large area of the eyeball and exposed to irritating factors and infection.
Corneal diseases
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca:It is one of the most common pathologies of the cornea and conjunctiva (dry eye). It is caused by inadequate production of tears by the lacrimal glands, whether due to their destruction, damage to their innervation, medications, infections or trauma. The success of treatment depends on detecting symptoms early with specific tests and preventing it from evolving into permanent blindness.
Corneal ulcer: It is another very common condition due to infections, traumatic, caustic agents or associated with keratoconjunctivitis sicca.
German Shepherd Chronic Superficial Keratitis: talso called pannus. It is a degenerative disease of the cornea typical of the German Shepherd, although not specific. In these pets, environmental factors such as sunlight play an important role in their presentation.
Glaucoma is an increase in intraocular pressure that rapidly produces degeneration of the optic nerve and retina. It is one of the most common causes of irreversible blindness in adult canines. In general, it is manifested by a sudden decrease in vision, acute pain and redness of the eye, being confused in the initial stage with conjunctivitis.
In chronic cases, an enlargement of the eyeball occurs, with severe degenerative changes in the retina and the optic nerve. Treatment should be started quickly to avoid permanent blindness.
A cataract is an opacity that occurs in a small transparent structure inside the eyeball (lens). It is important to differentiate it from lens sclerosis, a non-pathological process of this ocular structure that is frequently found in elderly dogs. They can be present from birth (congenital cataracts) or appear in young animals between 2 - 4 years (juvenile cataracts). Finally, there are senile cataracts that are observed from the age of eight and cause gradual loss of vision.
progressive retinal atrophy
Progressive retinal atrophy in dogs and cats is a degenerative disease of the visual cells of the retina, which ultimately leads to irreversible blindness. It is hereditary and the most affected breeds are the Akita, Golden Retriever, Cocker Spaniel, Airedale Terrier, Poodle, Irish Setter, Labrador. The first "warning" sign is a decrease in vision, usually in low light or at night.